Updated August 2024
Does Klack have latency?
Why can’t I see Klack in my menu bar
Why doesn’t Klack produce any audible feedback?
Why doesn’t Klack support audible media keys?
Unfortunately, the only available API provided by Apple for listening to keystroke events doesn’t support media keys. There is currently no alternative API approved by Apple while distributing through the App Store.
Apple may change this in future updates.
Can you add more switch sets?
Yes, but it’s important to note that each switch set is an immensely time consuming and therefor expensive task. Each switch set consist of over 100 audio files that need to be recorded and mastered individually. It’s also important that each switch set differs, meaning finding new unique switch sets is also a time consuming task.
Please be patient in this matter.
Will Klack support audible mouse clicks?
Yes, audible mouse clicks are planned for a future release of Klack. This feature has already been developed internally and is going through further development before an actual official release. It’s important that this feature is added in a way that makes sense within Klack without confusing nor bloating the app.
There’s currently no official release date for this specific feature.
Can I try Klack before I buy it?
No, but you can preview the switch set sounds on the landing page by clicking on their respective play buttons. You may also purchase Klack, try it, and if you don’t end up enjoying it, simply request a refund through the App Store. Apple generally accepts 99% of all legitimate refunds.
Please do note that we cannot ensure a refund from Apple.
Have more questions?
If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact us.